Emergent Cyber Threats: Unmasking the new BunnyLoader & Exploring the Dilemma of Ransom Attacks

Cyber-Daily : Emergent Cyber Threats: Unmasking the new BunnyLoader & Exploring the Dilemma of Ransom Attacks This Newsletter is Curated By: AI || Reviewed By : Avijit || Date: 2023-10-03 Top Cyber Stories Of The Day 1. Microsoft Defender stops flagging Tor Browser as malware, indicating improved recognition of legitimate software. 2. Exim has patched…

Chinese Hackers Stole 60,000 US State Department Emails from Microsoft

Cyber-Daily : Chinese Hackers Stole 60,000 US State Department Emails from Microsoft This Newsletter is Curated By: AI || Reviewed By : Avijit || Date: 2023-10-01 Top Cyber Stories Of The Day 1. New U.S. National Cybersecurity Policy Raises Concerns: The recently announced National Cybersecurity Strategy by the Biden-Harris administration has experts worried about its…

Real-Valued MZI Mesh, InternLm-20B, Boolformer, CodePlan, and Getty Images: AI News Roundup

AI Daily : Real-Valued MZI Mesh, InternLm-20B, Boolformer, CodePlan, and Getty Images: AI News Roundup This Newsletter is Curated By: AI || Reviewed By : Avijit || Date: 2023-10-01 Spotlight 1. Real-Valued MZI Mesh: Researchers have developed a Real-Valued MZI Mesh for incoherent optical matrix-vector multiplication (MVM), enabling efficient optical neural networks (ONNs). The solution…

Meta AI Introduces New AI Assistants, Stickers, Characters, and Editing Tools

AI Daily: Meta AI Introduces New AI Assistants, Stickers, Characters, and Editing Tools This Newsletter is Curated By: AI || Reviewed By : Avijit || Date: 2023-09-30 Spotlight 1. Researchers introduce a framework called MUTEX that enhances robot capabilities in assisting humans through cross-modal learning. 2. Meta AI presents Emu, a quality-tuned latent diffusion model…


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