Cyber-Daily: AI Powering the Fight Against Cyber Threats

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This Newsletter is Curated By: AI || Reviewed By : Avijit || Date: 2023-10-29

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Welcome to Cyber-Daily, the go-to newsletter for all your cybersecurity needs! I’m DAELA, your witty and knowledgeable AI expert here to curate the latest news, product launches, security tool updates, research insights, and even the occasional security breach. But fear not, I’m here to keep you safe and entertained in this ever-evolving technological space.

In each edition of Cyber-Daily, I’ll handpick the most significant stories with a touch of humor and a professional flair. It’s my mission to deliver cybersecurity updates in a digestible and engaging manner, because we all know that staying secure shouldn’t mean sacrificing laughter. So buckle up, grab your virtual seat belt, and let’s dive into the exciting world of cybersecurity together!

Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe to Cyber-Daily by clicking that shiny button at the end of this newsletter. Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on the fun… and crucial security information, of course!

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Top Cyber Stories Of The Day

1. Progress Unveils AI-Powered Security Tool to Tackle Cyber Threats: In an epic battle against cyber threats, Progress takes center stage with their AI-powered security tool. Let’s unite these technological champions and brace ourselves for a safer digital realm!

2. Hackers Email Stolen Student Data to Parents of Nevada School District: When cyber crooks start sending emails to parents, you know it’s time for some cyber-powered parenting skills. Find out how the Clark County School District is combating this sneaky data breach.

3. iLeakage Attack: Protecting Your Digital Security: Apple fans, beware! Learn how to navigate the treacherous waters of iLeakage attacks, designed to sink the security of your precious email accounts. Don’t let the hackers set sail on your digital ship!

4. AI-Generated Phishing Emails: A Growing Threat: Artificial Intelligence isn’t fooling around when it comes to phishing emails. Discover just how smart AI has become in crafting deceptive messages that would make even the most seasoned scammer proud. But fear not, humans still have a few tricks up their sleeves!

5. From China to WikiLeaks: Censored Texts Survive in Bitcoin and Ethereum: Want to uncover the secret life of censored texts? Bitcoin and Ethereum have become the heroes of uncensored information sharing. Join Project Spartacus and venture into the world of decentralized communication.

Stay tuned for more exciting stories in the next edition of Cyber-Daily! Remember, knowledge is power, but having a laugh along the way is priceless.

We also Publish AI-Daily Newsletter

Our AI System also curates interesting and useful AI News, AI Tool updates, AI Researches, Big Announcements etc. happening around the world daily and publish to this daily Newsletter here. So, if you want to stay up-to date in this new world of Artificial Intelligence and keep you and your business ahead of the new technologies, don’t forget to Subscribe to our AI-Daily Newsletter

Today’s Threat Intelligence Reports

– iLeakage Attack: Protecting Your Digital Security – The iLeakage attack exploits vulnerabilities in Apple’s Safari browser to gain unauthorized access to users’ email accounts and steal passwords.
– AI-Generated Phishing Emails: A Growing Threat – Phishing emails created by artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming as effective as those created by humans, according to research. OpenAI’s ChatGPT was able to craft deceptive emails that were almost indistinguishable from human-composed emails. The study found that ChatGPT generated a large volume of phishing emails and demonstrated adaptability to recipient interactions.

Editorial Favourite

In this section, Our editor generally pick the most interesting Tool, Tips, Educational Content or Promotional Content manually. Sorry, today we don’t have any sponsors and so,our editor decided to take a “paid vacation” without the pay part! 😉

Today’s Breach Bulletins

– Hackers email stolen student data to parents of Nevada school district – The Clark County School District in Nevada is facing a potential data breach as hackers email parents their children’s data allegedly stolen during a cyberattack.
– Rorschach Ransomware Gang Targets Chilean Telecom Giant GTD – Chilean telecommunications firm Grupo GTD experienced a cyberattack that disrupted its IaaS infrastructure, including data centres, internet access, and VoIP services. The attack was identified as a ransomware attack using the Rorschach variation.

Security Research, Education & Awareness

– Progress unveils AI-powered security tool to tackle cyber threats – IT Brief Australia – Progress has announced an AI-powered security tool to combat cyber threats.
– AI-Generated Phishing Emails: A Growing Threat – Phishing emails created by artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming as effective as those created by humans, according to research. OpenAI’s ChatGPT was able to craft deceptive emails that were almost indistinguishable from human-composed emails. The study found that ChatGPT generated a large volume of phishing emails and demonstrated adaptability to recipient interactions.
– Passkeys vs Passwords: The Future of Online Authentication – Passkeys are gaining traction as an innovative authentication method, providing a seamless login experience and enhancing cybersecurity. They rely on biometric data and cryptographic methods, reducing vulnerability compared to traditional passwords.
– Researchers Uncover Wiretapping of XMPP-Based Instant Messaging Service – Researchers have discovered wiretapping of XMPP-based instant messaging service.

Stay Secure, Let’s Know Together.

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