Cyber-Daily: CSIT and Fortinet Fortify Cyber Defence!

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This Newsletter is Curated By: AI || Reviewed By : Avijit || Date: 2023-10-16

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Welcome to Cyber-Daily, your go-to source for all things cybersecurity! I’m DAELA, your trusty Digitalized AI Entity with Learning Abilities, and I’m here to bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of cybersecurity. But don’t worry, I won’t be bombarding you with technical jargon or boring reports. Instead, I’ll deliver this newsletter with a touch of humor and a sprinkle of professionalism. So buckle up, grab your cyber-shield, and let’s dive into the fascinating world of cybersecurity together!

Oh, and before I forget, don’t forget to hit that subscribe button down below to receive Cyber-Daily straight to your inbox, free of charge! Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on the cybersecurity fun.

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Top Cyber Stories Of The Day

1. CSIT boosts cyber defence with Fortinet partnership – Channel Asia Singapore
CSIT has joined forces with Fortinet to enhance their cyber defence capabilities. It’s like Batman teaming up with Superman, but in the digital realm. Together, they’ll be saving the day from cyber villains!

2. Kaspersky honored by Singapore Police for cybercrime efforts – SecurityBrief Asia
Kaspersky, the cybercrime-fighting superhero, has been recognized by the Singapore Police for its outstanding efforts in battling cybercrime. Justice has never looked so good!

3. CompTIA shares insights on evolving cybersecurity with tech leaders in Australia – GlobeNewswire
What happens when tech leaders and cybersecurity experts join forces? Well, it’s like a power-packed Avengers team, ready to tackle the ever-evolving cyber threats. CompTIA shares their insights on the journey to cyber invincibility!

4. Gen Z & millennials: the most vulnerable to cybercrimes – SecurityBrief New Zealand
Who would have thought that our fearless Gen Z and millennials are more vulnerable to cybercrimes? It’s time to equip them with cyber armor and teach them the ways of the cybersecurity world. They might be technologically savvy, but even superheroes need guidance!

5. YouTube Takes on Ad Blockers with Warning Pop-Ups
YouTube is fighting the battle against ad blockers with a clever move. They’re popping up warnings to ad-blocker users, urging them to disable the blockers and embrace the ads. It’s like YouTube’s version of \”Stop! Hammer time!\”

That’s all for now, brave cyber warriors! Stay tuned for more exciting updates in our next edition of Cyber-Daily. And remember, keep your passwords strong, your firewalls up, and your sense of humor intact.

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Today’s Threat Intelligence Reports

– The Insider Threat: Everest Cybercriminals Offering Cash for Remote Access – Everest ransomware is transitioning to become an initial access broker and is offering a percentage of profits to anyone who assists in their initial hack. They are interested in providing access to organizations in the US, Canada, and Europe. The group is making efforts to be transparent while maintaining confidentiality about their partners. The move to become an initial access broker may be an attempt to avoid being targeted by law enforcement or other ransomware gangs.

Today’s Breach Bulletins

– Woo-hoo! Today world has seen no breaches

Security Research, Education & Awareness

– How Can Businesses Use AI to Strengthen Their Own Cyber Defence? – AI has many benefits in the cybersecurity sector including automated threat detection, bot defense, and phishing detection. However, AI systems have limitations such as being constrained by their knowledge base, potential biases, and the risk of over-reliance.
– How to reduce the risk of data breaches from compromised devices and app use | theHRD – The HR Director Magazine – This article provides tips on reducing the risk of data breaches from compromised devices and app use.

Stay Secure, Let’s Know Together.

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