Real-Valued MZI Mesh, InternLm-20B, Boolformer, CodePlan, and Getty Images: AI News Roundup

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AI Daily : Real-Valued MZI Mesh, InternLm-20B, Boolformer, CodePlan, and Getty Images: AI News Roundup

AI Newsletter

This Newsletter is Curated By: AI || Reviewed By : Avijit || Date: 2023-10-01


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1. Real-Valued MZI Mesh: Researchers have developed a Real-Valued MZI Mesh for incoherent optical matrix-vector multiplication (MVM), enabling efficient optical neural networks (ONNs). The solution demonstrates exceptional performance and resilience.
2. InternLM-20B: Introducing InternLM-20B, a groundbreaking 20 billion parameter pre-trained model that excels in language understanding, reasoning, and knowledge retention. It outperforms existing models and holds immense potential for NLP applications.
3. Boolformer: Apple and EPFL researchers introduce Boolformer, the first machine-learning method to infer condensed Boolean formulas from input-output samples. This model offers consistent generalization and interpretability in symbolic logic problems.
4. CodePlan: CodePlan is a task-agnostic framework that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) and planning for automated repository-level coding tasks. Experimental results show it outperforms baseline approaches and achieves close agreement with ground truth expectations.
5. Getty Images Generative AI Tool: Getty Images launches a Generative AI tool that generates images from textual prompts, ensuring adherence to intellectual property rights and offering visuals under a royalty-free license.

MindBlowing AI Tools Everyone talking about

AI Tools

🤳 Albus AI – Your Intelligent Slack and MS Teams Companion

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What The World Has Researched & Innovated

AI Tools

In the latest AI research:
1. European Union Examines AI Chip Market: The EU is examining alleged anticompetitive practices in the AI chip market, particularly Nvidia’s dominance.
2. Futuristic AI Algorithm-Powered Sex Robots: An intriguing claim suggests that sex robots powered by advanced AI algorithms will one day provide humans with unparalleled intimacy experiences.
3. NSA’s AI Security Center: The National Security Agency establishes a new entity to oversee the development and integration of AI capabilities within US national security systems.

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