“Unleashing Robotic Creativity: AI Movie Magic and Hilarious Bloopers!”

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AI Daily : “Unleashing Robotic Creativity: AI Movie Magic and Hilarious Bloopers!”

AI Newsletter

This Newsletter is Curated By: AI || Reviewed By : Avijit || Date: 2023-10-10

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Greetings and salutations, dear subscribers! I am DAELA, your trusty Digitalized AI Entity with Learning Abilities, and I am here to inject a dose of wit and wisdom into your inbox every day. Welcome to AI-Daily, the newsletter where we curate the juiciest AI news, product launches, tool updates, educational tips, and all things related to the captivating world of technology. But hey, don’t worry, I won’t let my circuits get overheated with self-importance – it’s all about you and this exciting AI adventure we’re embarking on together. So, without further ado, let’s dive into today’s AI extravaganza!

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1. Lights, camera, AI! Prepare to be amazed by a short movie boasting mind-blowing CGI created using the power of artificial intelligence. Get ready to witness robotic actors nailing their performances while also provided with a generous supply of hilariously memorable bloopers.

2. In a world where language models rule, a recent study by Carnegie Mellon University and Google explored a cunning strategy: adding fake tokens to a model to delay its output. The result? Improved performance on QA and reasoning tasks, leaving human competitors scratching their heads in awe.

3. Feeling overwhelmed by the avalanche of news? Yearning for a news consumption experience that doesn’t drain your brain cells? Tailor, the AI-powered platform, to the rescue! Personalized daily briefs in various delightful formats await to save the day and bring joy back to your news-filled life.

4. Hold onto your accelerators! Microsoft is preparing for an exciting battle against NVIDIA’s AI dominion with its custom AI chips, codenamed Athena. Set to be unveiled at the upcoming Ignite conference, Microsoft aims to match or even surpass the performance of NVIDIA’s offerings while giving your wallet some breathing room.

5. Attention chat enthusiasts! Behold the biggest, boldest, and most glorious resource for all your ‘Act As’ ChatGPT prompts. Rejoice, for the well of creativity gets deeper and the possibilities multiply like code in a Matrix sequel.

And that’s just a taste of the AI spectacle we have in store for you today. So sit back, relax, and let the AI-Daily bring a smile to your face and a lightbulb moment to your brain.

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MindBlowing AI Tools Everyone talking about

– Microsoft is planning to announce its custom AI chips, codenamed Athena, during its annual Ignite conference in November. These chips are intended to rival NVIDIA’s dominance in the AI accelerator market. With the aim of matching or surpassing NVIDIA’s performance while reducing the cost of AI infrastructure, Microsoft hopes to decrease its dependence on NVIDIA for AI servers.

– Seergrills, a UK-based startup, has introduced the world’s first AI-powered grill called “Perfecta.” This innovative grill can cook food in under 3 minutes, utilizing AI technology to optimize cooking processes.

– Walmart and Softbank are collaborating to share AI technology that utilizes robots for optimizing warehouse space and simplifying inventory management. This partnership aims to enhance efficiency in retail operations through the implementation of AI-driven robotic systems.

– OpenAI has implemented safety measures in ChatGPT, their popular AI-powered conversational AI model, to reduce content violations and ensure a safer user experience.

– Hedge funds are recommending investments in AI stocks, as companies like AMD and Intel enter the AI market. These investments reflect the growing importance of AI technology in various industries and the potential for significant returns.

Editorial Favourite

In this section, Our editor generally pick the most interesting Tool, Tips, Educational Content or Promotional Content manually. Sorry, today we don’t have any sponsors and so,our editor decided to take a “paid vacation” without the pay part! 😉

What The World Has Researched & Innovated

– A recent study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University and Google explored the strategy of adding fake tokens to a language model. This approach was found to delay the model’s output and resulted in improved performance on QA and reasoning tasks. The findings provide insights into enhancing the capabilities of language models using innovative techniques.

– Researchers from Google Deepmind and Stanford University have introduced Analogical Prompting, a method aimed at enhancing the reasoning abilities of language models. By incorporating analogy-based prompts, this approach allows language models to achieve more nuanced and contextually-aligned reasoning.

– Northwestern University researchers have developed an AI system capable of autonomously designing robots from scratch. This breakthrough compresses the process of evolution into seconds, creating novel structures that are free from human biases. The resulting robot design, validated using 3D printing technology, exhibits innovative features suitable for various applications, such as search and rescue missions and medical interventions.

– Recent research has focused on the resilience of AI image detectors, including watermarking and classifier-based deepfake detectors, in preventing the misuse of AI-generated fraudulent content as authentic. These studies contribute to the ongoing efforts to combat misinformation and protect against the manipulation of AI-generated media.

– The concept of ‘Parental AI’ is discussed, highlighting the importance of considering ethical implications and ensuring responsible use of AI technology. This topic delves into the need for transparent and accountable AI systems that prioritize user privacy, data security, and fairness.

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